

Oman - Phone Numbers in Oman
Calling code + 968 -
Sultanate of Oman - سلطنة عمان (Salṭanat ʻUmān)
Flag National Emblem
Location of Oman
Muscat - Capital and largest city -
Map Latitude 23°36′N - Longitude : 58°33′E - 23.6°N 58.55°E / 23.6;58.55
Official language(s) : Arabic
People : Omani
Government : Islamic Absolute monarchy : Sultan of Oman : Qaboos bin Said Al Said
Chancellor : Fahad bin Mahmood Al Said
Establishment : 751 - Constitution : 1966
Independence from the United Kingdom in 1970
Area Total : 309,550 km (119,498 (sq mi)
Population 2009 estimate : 2,845,000 - Density 9.2/km ( 23.8/sq mi)
GDP Purchasing power parity PPP : 2009 estimate Total : $74.431 billion - Per capita : $25,109
GDP (nominal) - 2009 estimate - Total : $53.395 billion - Per capita : $18,013
Time zone : - (UTC) +4) - Summer (DST) - (UTC) +4
Internet domain name for the country (TLD) - .om
Population estimate includes 693,000 non-nationals.
Oman /oʊˈmɑːn/ - Arabic :عمان - ‎ - Sultanate of Oman
The Sultan's Al Alam Palace in Muscat
Ministry of Information
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Oman Tourism Portal
State Council
Majlis As-shura
Omani sites on the world heritage list
News media
Oman state TV and Radio
Oman newspaper
Al-Watan newspaper
Al-Shabiba newspaper
Oman News
Times of Oman
Oman Tribune
Oman Observer
The Week
Phones and Dial Codes


Company : Omantel
Website :  Omantel

Phone : 1234 / 1305 / +968 2424 1234
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube
Omantel Oman: Omantel Oman - Connecting Oman with Excellence. Omantel is the leading telecommunications provider in Oman, delivering excellence in connectivity and services.


Company : Ooredoo
Website :  Ooredoo

Phone : 1500 / +968 9501 1500
Social Networks Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Youtube
Ooredoo Oman: Ooredoo Oman - Ooredoo, Your World. Ooredoo Oman transforms your world with cutting-edge telecommunications solutions.


Company : Vodafone
Website :  Vodafone

Phone : 1223 / +968 7112 1223
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube
Vodafone Oman: Vodafone Oman - Enriching Your Digital Lifestyle. Vodafone Oman enriches your digital lifestyle with seamless connectivity and services.

Phones in Oman

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Oman : Ad Dakhiliyah, Al Batinah, Al Wusta, Ash Sharqiyah, Az Zahirah, Masqat, Musandam, Zufar

Mobile Phone Companies

List of cell phone companies in Oman :




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Yellow Pages
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White Pages
Oman Find address and telephones numbers.
968 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. OMN
Search in Oman :


iso2 : OM
iso3 : OMN
Country : Oman
Lat : 21.512583
Long : 55.923255
Population : 5106622
Latitude: 21.512583, Longitude: 55.923255, ISO: Oman (OM) - Population : 5106622

ISO-Numeric : 512
Country : Oman
Capital : Muscat
Area km2 : 212460
Population : 4829483
Continent : AS
Internet : .om
Currency Code : OMR
Currency Name : Rial
Phone : 968
Postal Code Format : ###
Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{3})$
Languages : ar-OM,en,bal,ur
Geo : 286963
Neighbours countries : SA,YE,AE
Phones in Oman
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Phone companies in Oman
- List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
Search Phones
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Mobile Phones
in Oman. Find cell phones in the mobile companies and stores.
Oman Codes
and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
Yellow pages of Oman
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- How to call to Oman? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
White pages in Oman
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Maps of Oman - Location and Map of Oman. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude.
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Phones Oman 2025
Postpaid mobile users in Oman surge 33.9% to 2.39mn Muscat Daily
Musk secures Oman investment for xAI Mobile World Live
Postpaid Mobile Phone Subscriptions Increase By 33.9 Percent in December 2024 وكالة الأنباء العمانية (العمانية)
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