Phones in Mongolia

Phones in Mongolia

Mongolia - Mobile Phones
CRC Communications Regulatory Commission of Mongolia
Internet domain name for the country (TLD) - .mn
Calling code + 976
Mongolia - ULUS Monggol ulus.svg Flag  - Coat
Capital and largest city Ulan Bator
Map Latitude : 47°55′N - Longitude : 106°53′E - 47.917°N 106.883°E - 47.917;106.
People : Mongolian
Government : Semi-presidential republic
President : Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj
Prime Minister : Sükhbaataryn Batbold
Independence declared from Qing Dynasty - December 29, 1911
Area Total : 1,564,115.75 km (603,909 (sq mi)
Population December 2009 estimate - 2 736 800 - Density 1.75/km ( 5.03/sq mi)
GDP = Purchasing power parity PPP : 2009 estimate Total : $9.378 billion - Per capita : $3,481
GDP (nominal) - 2009 estimate - Total : $4.203 billion - Per capita : $1,560
Time zone : - (UTC) +7 to +8
Mongolian landscape
Typical steppe landscape of Mongolia with winding rivers
Administrative divisions
Aimags of Mongolia and Sums of Mongolia
Mongolia is divided into 21 aimags (provinces), which are in turn divided into 329 sums (districts). - 23 ] - - The capital Ulaanbaatar is administrated separately as a khot (municipality) with provincial status. The aimags are:
Politics -

Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party - - Democratic Party - - President - - Prime Minister - - State Great Khural - - Aimags - - Sums - - Third neighbor policy -

Social and economic situation of Mongolia (As of the preliminary result of 2009)".
^ President George W. Bush Visits Mongolia". US embassy in Mongolia, 2005. - . -
^ Ulanbator
  • ^ National Ministry of Health Yearbook 2006
  • ^ At a glance:Mongolia". UNICEF. - .
    ^ UBPost:Child Mortality Rate Has Decreased, UNICEF Says". - .
    Mongolia Government Overview
    Travel Official Tourism Website of Mongolia
    Phones and Dial Codes

    Mobicom Corporation

    Company : Mobicom Corporation
    Website :  Mobicom Corporation

    Phone : 2222 / 1800-2222 / 1900-2222
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Youtube
    Mobicom Corporation Mongolia: Mobicom Corporation Mongolia - Your Connection to the Future. Mobicom is your gateway to the future in Mongolia, offering cutting-edge telecom services.


    Company : Unitel
    Website :  Unitel

    Phone : 1414, 77778888 / 1424, 77118811
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube
    Unitel Mongolia: Unitel Mongolia - Uniting You with Superior Telecom. Unitel unites you with superior telecom services in Mongolia, keeping you connected.


    Company : Skytel
    Website :  Skytel

    Phone : 1520 / 76769000/ +97618001515
    Social Networks Facebook Twitter Youtube
    Skytel Mongolia: Skytel Mongolia - Reaching New Heights in Communication. Skytel is reaching new heights in communication in Mongolia, providing innovative solutions.

    Phones in Mongolia

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    Mongolia : Arhangay, Bayanhongor, Bayan-Olgiy, Darhan, Dornod, Dornogovi, Dundgovi, Dzavhan, Govi-Altay, Hentiy, Hovd, Hovsgol, Omnogovi, Ovorhangay, Selenge, Suhbaatar, Tov, Uvs, Ulaanbaatar, Bulgan, Erdenet, Darhan-Uul, Govisumber, Orhon

    Mobile Phone Companies

    List of cell phone companies in Mongolia :

    Mobicom Corporation



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    Yellow Pages
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    White Pages
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    976 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. MNG
    Search in Mongolia :


    iso2 : MN
    iso3 : MNG
    Country : Mongolia
    Lat : 46.8625
    Long : 103.8467
    Population : 3278292
    Latitude: 46.8625, Longitude: 103.8467, ISO: Mongolia (MN) - Population : 3278292

    ISO : MN
    ISO3 : MNG
    ISO-Numeric : 496
    FIPS : MG
    Country : Mongolia
    Capital : Ulaanbaatar
    Area km2 : 1565000
    Population : 3170208
    Continent : AS
    Internet : .mn
    Currency Code : MNT
    Currency Name : Tugrik
    Phone : 976
    Postal Code Format : ######
    Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{6})$
    Languages : mn,ru
    Geo : 2029969
    Neighbours countries : CN,RU
    Phones in Mongolia
    - Where to find Phones in Mongolia? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
    Phone companies in Mongolia
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    Mobile Phones
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    Mongolia Codes
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    Yellow pages of Mongolia
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    White pages in Mongolia
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    Phones Mongolia 2025
    Foreign Minister of Mongolia Holds Telephone Conversation with UN Secretary-General Montsame
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